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Logo - Handyman Painting

Handyman Painting

44 Geddington Crescent, Markham, ON L6B 0M7, Canada
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Canada:Construction:Architecture and Design

What we do at Handyman Painting

Handyman Painting Toronto was established by Ted Ntoulis (Doulis). A resident of Toronto, Ontario, he started at a young age working at multiple jobs which included Painting, Home Renovations & Improvements, Maintenance, Hospitality and Sales. This experience throughout the years turned him into a conscientious and passionate businessman and contractor. Ted provides his customers with the best finished product, excellent customer relations during the process, and further follow up until the job has been completed with warranty guarantee after completion. Being able to stay in communication with his client(s) during the interim of the project and performing post follow-ups of their project(s) is key to a successful and long-lasting relationship for his companies. It has helped him build future relations with present clients and establish relations with new clients. Studying business and marketing and working at the same time, he found himself becoming strong, educated, and determined as an individual. With the knowledge and passion for business, Ted demonstrates this with honesty and integrity and brings that to his staff and sub-contractors.

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Personal Information for Handyman Painting

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1998
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 3
Spoken Languages: n/a
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