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Logo - Emat EOOD It Company

Emat EOOD It Company

Stolichna Municipality, district. Triaditsa, st. Yasna Polyana 110, 1404, Sofia, Sofia City Province, Bulgaria
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Business Category

Bulgaria:Professional Services:Internet Services ~ Bulgaria:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development

What we do at Emat EOOD It Company

Emat EOOD it company specializes in providing a complete suite of software and hardware development services. Our company uses advanced technologies such as Python 3.10.1, Java SE 17, JavaScript ECMAScript 2018, PHP 8.1.1, Node.js 17.2.0, Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions and Microsoft Azure, as well as machine learning.

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Personal Information for Emat EOOD It Company

Contact Person: Mr Dmitr Ivanov

Business Details

Type of business: EOOD
Year founded: 2021
Year started activity: 2021
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 15
Spoken Languages: English, Bulgarian
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