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Logo - Genesis Research Consultancy Limited

Genesis Research Consultancy Limited

Navaran, Jadabpur, Jhikargachha, Jashore-7432, Bangladesh, 7432, Jhikargachha, Jessore District, Bangladesh
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Business Category

Bangladesh:Professional Services:Maintenance and Improvement ~ Bangladesh:Professional Services:Research and Development ~ Bangladesh:Professional Services:Seminars and Trainings ~ Bangladesh:Professional Services:Writing, Blogging, Editing

What we do at Genesis Research Consultancy Limited

Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) is a distinguished leader in the academic and research support industry, offering a comprehensive suite of services to cater to the diverse needs of students, researchers, authors, and professionals across various fields. We pride ourselves on being the cornerstone of academic excellence and knowledge dissemination. Our dedicated team of experts, well-versed in a multitude of academic disciplines, is committed to assisting you in your educational and scholarly journey. At GRCL, we understand the importance of well-crafted theses, dissertations, scientific papers, and articles, and we’re here to provide the necessary support. Whether you’re a student striving for that coveted degree, a researcher looking to publish groundbreaking findings, or an author seeking to refine your work, our services are designed to make your journey smoother. We specialize in a wide range of services, from crafting compelling theses and dissertations to meticulous scientific paper writing and editing. Our expertise extends to manuscript preparation, journal services, research proposals, statistical analysis, presentation preparation, plagiarism checking, assignment writing, and more. With a strong commitment to quality, customization, confidentiality, and timely delivery, GRCL ensures that your work stands out in the competitive world of academia and research. Our mission is to be your trusted partner, providing the expertise and guidance you need to excel in your academic and professional pursuits. Your success is not just a goal for us; it’s a shared journey. Join us at GRCL and experience the transformative power of our services as you reach new heights in your academic and research endeavors.

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Personal Information for Genesis Research Consultancy Limited

Contact Person: Mr Abdulla- Al-Asif

Business Details

Type of business: Limited Private Company
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: 2015
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: English, Bengali, Malay
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