GoodHope Insure Ltd. is the first InsurTech Platform, working since November 2017 in Bangladesh for innovations of insurance products and distributions of those, customer services and their claims settlement. It set the milestone of confidence among the industry-mates that a distribution channel like InsurTech Platform can be the best alternative channel of innovations of insurance products which are affordable to common people of Bangladesh and distribution of those to the target market.
GoodHope Insure Ltd. is a licensed InsurTech Platform by the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) of Bangladesh. Our aim is to introduce customized, realistic and affordable insurance products and packages (of products) for the people from all walks of society. These products and packages are being distributed to the target customers by our simple and user-friendly online platform. GoodHope Insure introduced electronic claim settlement platform as the TPA Platform (Third Party Administrator) in Bangladesh. We showed the way how to function a TPA Platform in processing all types of insurance claims. By following this footprint TPA Platform is now becoming very popular in our day by day.
GoodHope Insure, with it’s digital platform, has been working for bringing all walks of our country’s population under the insurance coverage. Our different innovative packages of different insurance benefits at the affordable costs are suitable for lower earning people to higher earning ones with all types of necessary benefits. These packages will meet all types of necessities of every family related to future savings, financial backup due to death, disability or medical treatment.
GoodHope Insure is currently serving over 180,000 individuals - including Group Life, Accidental Death & Disability, Health insurance, and different types of Individual Life Insurance policyholders, Motor Vehicles, Fire & Earthquake, and International Travel Insurance policyholders throughout the country. In addition, GoodHope Insure has also been trying to spread the insurance policies for crops and live-stock, and the built-in insurance policies for local travelers, MFCGs’ consumers and the students.
GoodHope Insure has been successfully providing the health insurance services to all the employees of companies working in the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Ruppur, Ishwardi, Pabna, Bangladesh. All of the Russian companies working for the construction of the NPP have been enjoying our services of insurance consultation, customer services and claim settlements services.
Website and pages
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Headquarters, branches, local offices
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Personal Information for GoodHope Insure
Contact Person: Mr Kaowchar Hasan
Business Details
Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 2017
Year started activity: 2024
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: English, Bangla