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Logo - Carnival Internet

Carnival Internet

Uday Tower, Level 12, Plot 57,57/A Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
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Business Category

Bangladesh:Professional Services:Internet Services

What we do at Carnival Internet

Carnival Internet has been ranked number 1 in Bangladesh by APNIC and throughout the years has become the most trusted ISP in the country. With more than 350,000 families being served and the largest & widest network coverage in Bangladesh, Carnival Internet has been a trusted internet service provider for over 9 years. Carnival also boasts the largest cache server in Bangladesh. As a result, high-speed fiber broadband from Carnival Internet offers buffer-less streaming and a seamless browsing experience to the users. A variety of bandwidth packages, starting from 30 Mbps to all the way to 100 Mbps, with options to get even lower bandwidth if required, are available for users. Carnival Internet Enterprise offers the best business internet connectivity for all types of businesses and establishments all over Bangladesh. From restaurants, offices, and warehouses to factories and even toll-plazas, get customized packages, with up to 100 Mbps speed, according to business needs. All the packages have dedicated connections along with a 99% uptime guarantee. In addition to high-speed dedicated connectivity, businesses have the option to get full duplex connectivity that allows full-speed download and upload speed.

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Personal Information for Carnival Internet

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Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 600
Spoken Languages: English, Bangla
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