What we do at AMAR Home Drug Addiction Treatment Center
A trusted name in drug addiction (Drug abuse / Substance use disorder) management, AMAR Home is a specialized drug addiction treatment center that helps individuals suffering from addiction to drugs or substances. We provide a compassionate environment and the cooperation that gives the feeling of a second home away from home.
AMAR Home, Drug Addiction Treatment Center is the non-profitable and non-government organization which rehabilitates of individuals suffering from drug addiction. AMAR Home started its journey in the year of 2012 with a determination to help those people of the society who are abusing drugs. Since its foundation, it has provided services around thousands of people of various ages.
The AMAR Home Therapeutic Community is a full service residential facility that provides Diagnostic, Detoxification, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Value Formation services. It’s another important service is family Empowerment Program that provides the resident’s loved ones a parallel opportunity to heal and grow. Beyond achieving abstinence, the ultimate goal is to equip recovering individuals with Life Skills that will help them overcome the challenge of recovery and to facilitate a Spiritual Awakening.
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Personal Information for AMAR Home Drug Addiction Treatment Center
Contact Person: 0 n/a
Business Details
Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a