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Midland Glass & Aluminium

6a Downing Street, 6101, parth, Western Australia, Australia
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Australia:Home:Home Improvement ~ Australia:Home:Home Appliances

What we do at Midland Glass & Aluminium

Midland Glass and Aluminium aims to provide commercial and residential services for shower screens and glass installations in Perth. With certified experts and prompt service, we are able to become the #1 solution for any home and business. We can work on different types of glasses, including normal glass, safety glass and plate glass. If you have an energy need for Glass Repairs in Perth, we are available to serve you at the earliest. You can email us for any queries with residential glass repairs in Perth at admin@midlandglass.com.au.

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Personal Information for Midland Glass & Aluminium

Contact Person: n/a

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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