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Logo - Allbro - Australia

Allbro - Australia

5 Bessemer Road, Port Kennedy WA 6172, Australia, 6172, Western Australia, Australia
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Business Category

Australia:Industrial Goods and Services:Electrical Equipment and Cables

What we do at Allbro - Australia

Allbro Australia is a National Distributor with warehouse and distribution centres in Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland, and modern state-of-the-art production and assembly facilities in Perth. Allbro Australia has, during 22 years of operation, developed competencies in a variety of complex disciplines. Through vertical integration Allbro has pioneered its own Glass Reinforced Polyester formulations, which offer superior strength and durability. Allbro is committed to prioritizing clients’ needs. Our continuous product development, quality control measures, stock holding, and speed of delivery place. Allbro is in a leading market position in most of the product lines we sell. Our quality is assured by conforming to AS/NZS 61439. Our in-house toolroom keeps us on the cutting edge of technological advancements, enabling us to create products which revolutionize the world of electrical and IT distribution. A balance between form and function means that Allbro products are able to go the distance in some of the toughest environments on earth.

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Personal Information for Allbro - Australia

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1999
Year started activity: 1999
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: english
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