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Donna Bates

Western Australia, Australia
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Australia:Business Services:Business Process Management and Modeling

What we do at Donna Bates

Along With You FROM CONCEPT TO REALITY. Any time you're making an effort to take your business or organisation forward, the very last thing you need is more strategy without worrying about help to implement it. That's why Donna Bates provides a specific focus on not just helping you determine your strategic plan, but will also provide the ongoing mentorship to help you implement it and make it real. The outcome? Clear strategy, effective application and a sense of confidence in what you are doing and where you are going. WHO IS DONNA BATES? Donna has an exceptional gift with obtaining order in mayhem, structuring or re-structuring businesses to achieve their strategic vision giving outcomes through a strong organisational, operational and marketing tempo. She spent some time working with many of Australia’s biggest and most influential companies, including News Limited, Department of Defence and the Royal Automobile Clubs of Australia to name a few. Her career progressed organically, becoming recognised for attaining success while using the expertise she has for strategic thinking. Donna’s desire is creating excellence by doing what she loves. She does what comes naturally to her; obtaining strategies to proactively proceed businesses towards their vision. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Her transformational leadership style allows her to communicate a shared vision for the future with high performing teams, while staying authentic to her core principles. Her accomplishment is assessed by the lifelong connections she has nurtured with others of influence, who today choose to call her a friend. Constantly ready to take on a challenge, Donna offers structured and re-structured companies to achieve considerable cost savings, whilst implementing national programs and marketing initiatives. She was recognised by the organisations she has worked with becoming endorsed through Executive Leadership Development and set-up one of INTEGRITY, GRATITUDE AND SERVICE Donna’s good reputation for providing exceptional, realistic methods is well known and her highest values are integrity, gratitude and service. She lives those values everyday and models them through her strategic planning consulting business, On Point! Strategy. She knows that once she commits to the service of others, she gives her wealth of expertise from a place of gratitude. This lets her to live authentically, managing personal wellbeing and business achievement with integrity in a highly aggressive world.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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