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Logo - Yoga with yogi

Yoga with yogi

2126, CHERRYBROOK NSW 2126, Australia
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Business Info
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Business Category

Australia:Health and Care:Fitness and Coaching

What we do at Yoga with yogi

Helping people to get fit, healthy, and find inner joy. Helping them to gain self-confidence by learning yoga, self-defence, and fitness exercises. Teaching them how to remain unaffected by external circumstances and to remain joyful unconditionally. Also helping clients with weight loss.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

No information available

Personal Information for Yoga with yogi

Contact Person: Mr Yogender Singh Chauhan

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2006
Year started activity: 2006
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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