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Logo - Lofty Building Group

Lofty Building Group

497 North East Road, Hillcrest ,SA Adelaide South Australia -5086, 5086, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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Business Category

Australia:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents

What we do at Lofty Building Group

Lofty Building Group entered the South Australian building industry in 2016 and has since built a reliable and solid reputation as a high quality, affordable and approachable builder. At Lofty Building Group, we build custom homes suited to your lifestyle and budget. Whether you are a first home buyer, developer, investor or looking for your next home, we understand the importance of this investment, and will work hard to ensure a positive and successful building experience, from concept to completion. We offer a variety of services, including house and land packages, custom home builds, knockdown rebuild and project management. As a member of the Housing Industry of Australia (HIA), we have a strong focus on quality without compromise, and will ensure clear communication and adherence to timelines and budget throughout the duration of the construction.

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Personal Information for Lofty Building Group

Contact Person: Mr Gary Patel

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 5
Spoken Languages: engilsh
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