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Logo - James Noble Law

James Noble Law

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Australia:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at James Noble Law

James Noble Law provide the highest level of customer service with more experience than any others in Brisbane. Using technology and streamlined office management software our reliance on traditional office methods has been set aside. We run at peak paperless efficiency to ensure our overheads are minimal so we can pass these savings on to our clients. We offer the most experienced lawyers at a much lower cost to our valued clients. The legal landscape is changing around the world. Jump on board with us and see the future in law. >COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE >COMPLEX MATTERS >SPEEDY RESOLUTION > CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU FINANCIAL SETTLEMENTS Seek relief and a fair financial settlement with Noble & Noble’s astute family law and resolution team. WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING Will your last will and testimony stand the test of time under scrutiny? We’ve handled hundreds of simple and complex matters. TOWN AGENT SERVICE Noble & Noble are expert Brisbane Town Agent Service providers and operate in all courts in the greater Brisbane region. NEED EMERGENCY LEGAL HELP? WE HAVE QUALIFIED LAWYERS STANDING BY AND READY TO ASSIST. CALL AT: 1800 662 535

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
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Home based?: no
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