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Supper Power Pack Systems

Luanda, 400053, Luanda, Luanda Province, Angola
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Angola:Industrial Goods and Services:Beverages ~ Angola:Industrial Goods and Services:Chemicals ~ Angola:Industrial Goods and Services:Electrical Equipment and Cables ~ Angola:Industrial Goods and Services:Leather and Leather Products ~ Angola:Industrial Goods and Services:Packaging Materials

What we do at Supper Power Pack Systems

Super Power Pack Systems specializes in Packaging Automation across industries. Backed by state of the art research & development facilities and skilled human resources, we are leading in innovative designing solutions and implementation of complete packaging Lines. Established in the year 2010, we have gained appreciation in quick succession by the successful implementation of multiple projects across the globe. We are known for following global standards of packaging in different industries to ensure every machine designed and installed by us is compatible as per international norms. In the modern competitive world, it is important for every organization to choose the right packaging partner. Hence we take pride in introducing ourselves as a “Packaging process solution partner” rather than a vendor engaged in manufacturing and supplying packaging machines. Our end to end the solution-oriented approach saves your time and cost thereby adding value to the packaging processes. We believe in investing in the most appropriate technology to aid and speed up the innovative design process. Our quick success, in the time span of just nine years in this field, has been achieved by a unique understanding of product handling and packaging. The result can be demonstrated by highly innovative solutions we deliver for complex packaging problems and in the form of feedback from our clients.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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