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Logo - Greenterprise Media

Greenterprise Media

Rruga "Eduard Mano", 1001, Tirana , Tirana , Albania
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Business Category

Albania:Mass Media:Social Media, Messengers ~ Albania:Professional Services:Marketing ~ Albania:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development ~ Albania:Professional Services:Web Hosting ~ Albania:Professional Services:Writing, Blogging, Editing

What we do at Greenterprise Media

We are a Media Production company, specialized in virtual tours , video & audio productions, aerial photography, VR photo & video 360º. We offer marketing services such as : web designing, digital marketing & SEO, social media marketing, logo & branding. Our digital signage services include : The virtual mannequin, The Virtual Promoter, The Levitating Display, 3D Holographic Projector, 3D Hologram LED Fan Projector, The Touch Screen Showcase, Green I-Motion. Located in Tirana, Albania, we are a hardworking staff, friendly and ready to help you out.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

No information available

Personal Information for Greenterprise Media

Contact Person: Mr Gentjan Muco

Business Details

Type of business: SH.P.K
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Albanian, Englisht, Italian,Turkish , German
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