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Richnity, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Skin Natur Brightening Nature

19 Feb 2022

Skin Natur Brightening Nature is a combination of scrub and peeling. Functions as an exfoliator that practically removes dead skin cells and helps skin regeneration. So that your skin is always bright, healthy and charming. Removing dead skin cells is important for healthy skin. If dead skin cells are not removed, new skin regeneration will be hampered. This will make the face dull, acne, and make-up difficult to blend perfectly on your face. Skin Natur Brightening Nature contains a combination of several natural ingredients such as Herbal aloe barbadensis, olive oil and alpha arbutin, so it is very safe for your skin. Benefits of Natural Skin As an exfoliator or removal of dead skin cells so that the face looks bright or avoids other skin problems such as acne. Cleans dirt and makes facial pores cleaner. Helps to make skin brighter and glowing. Make sure you buy the original Natur Skin only from Richnity members. Because this product is not sold freely in the market. Get special prices by joining Richnity.

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