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Promote A Business Online Easily: Throw the Burden Off Your Shoulders

17 Jun 2024

Bizpages offers a new Bizpromo tool to help our community members continuously promote their online presence. Every business person knows how tiring it can be to maintain and advertise the company website or social profiles in the long run. Websites need constant attention for months, years, and even decades.

SEO for business
SEO for business

Challenges for Business Owners

A business owner often faces the following problems:

  • 1. Need for in-house competence: The company needs someone, be it the owner, a manager, or a web specialist, to perform tasks related to website promotion.
  • 2. Time and resource constraints: The primary business may consume all time and resources, leaving web promotion neglected.
  • 3. Evolving SEO landscape: The promotion (SEO) sector is constantly changing, requiring a SEO expert to track and follow new trends and developments daily.

Challenges for SEO Experts

A web specialist will have to deal with the following main challenges:

  • 1. Onsite promotion: This often means adding new targeted content to your website and rewriting/modifying older content that may have become outdated.
  • 2. Offsite promotion: This involves spreading the word about your website across the web, building links, adding to directories, citations, mentions in blogs, articles, forums, social media, etc.
  • 3. Technical audit for the website: Assessing how fast and efficient it is, reliability of its hosting/server, etc.
Bizpromo is a tool that
  • * serves as a web optimization specialist for businesses
  • * aims to help solve SEO challenges No. 1 and No. 2.

How It Works

The core idea is that when a business listing is added, all other users are invited to perform promotional tasks for this business. Every completed task is awarded with Promo, a token reflecting a user's performance. Then, the user who earned Promo, can spend it on promoting his/her website.

Hundreds of new users join Bizpages to list their companies. They can be called to implement simple tasks to start promotion for the newly added listing, its corporate website, or social media pages.

Key Advantages

  • * Low or zero cost: Bizpromo can be free if you complete some free tasks and use your corporate website. Alternatively, it can be paid, but even in this case, the cost is almost nothing compared to the hundreds and thousands of dollars businesses typically pay for SEO or pay-per-click ads.
  • * Fire-and-forget approach: Just list and upgrade your business once, then perform certain free tasks, and your earned Promo on a daily basis is spent on promotion without your attention or additional costs.
  • * Verified promotion methods: The promotion methods, such as link building, are constantly verified by our SEO experts, and the best are presented to the community in the list of activities.
To start your infinite website promotion, read more about Bizpromo.

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