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Greece Business Directory

Greece Residence Permit

27 Sep 2021

As at 14 November 2019, Applicants must make one of the following investments to be eligible for the Greece Residence Permit (Greece Residence by Investment):

  • Invest in Greece real estate asset set at a minimum of 250,000 euros (Note that Investment in Greece Real Estate is the established and most popular method of investment for most Investors);
  • Invest at least 400,000 euros in a real estate investment company investing exclusively in Greece or buy shares through a share-capital increase scheme;
  • Invest at least 400,000 euros in a capital equity company or an equity mutual fund investing exclusively in companies based in Greece;
  • Invest at least 400,000 to buy Greek state bonds with a maturity of at least three years through a credit institution based in Greece;
  • Invest in a time deposit at least 400,000 euros at a domestic credit institution with a duration of at least 12 months;
  • Buy shares, corporate bonds or state bonds worth at least €800,000 euros;
  • Invest at least 400,000 euros in a mutual fund investing exclusively in shares, corporate bonds or state bonds;
  • Invest at least 400,000 euros in buying shares in an Alternative Investment Organization set-up in Greece or in another EU member-state that invests exclusively in real estate assets in Greece

See our web page for further information about the Greece Residence Permit, eligibility reuirements, application process, processing times and our Consultant's assistance service:

Greece Residence Permit

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