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Changes in Bizpages Fees

22 Mar 2024

Effective 1 April 2024, Bizpages is to change its fees structure. Some instruments such as Publications become a paid service. Also, the cost of listing is changed. See below explanation why such a decision was made.

Fees on Bizpages
Fees on Bizpages

Due to an inreasingly high demand for listings and growing load on our moderators, Bizpages made a decision to increase the current business listing moderation fee to 10 USD. The fee remains a lifetime fee, which means that a paid listing remains such for lifetime, unless its owner makes modifications into it. Such modifications require a re-moderation and, therefore, a new fee to be paid.

This measure is to ensure the highest quality of listings and publications, and to improve the quality of moderation. A better quality of listings will improve the experience of visitors and strengthen the confidence of business listing owners that their listings in corresponding category are shown in a surrounding of good and worthy businesses.

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