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Education / Government and Non-profit - List of Business Companies in Uruguay

Logo - Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga Catholic University of Uruguay
Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga Catholic University of Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay
Founded 1954 as Institute of Philosophy, Science and Letters, acquired present status and title 1985.


Accountancy, Advertising and Publicity, Agricultural Management, Business Administration, Business and Commerce, Cinema and Television, Civil Law,...

updated: .. | client reviews: 0 | client rating: 4.54 | products & services: 0

Logo - ORT University of Uruguay
ORT University of Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay
Founded 1943 as Instituto Tecnológico ORT, an institution oriented towards vocational technical education. First University level programmes started 1984. Acquired present status and title 1996 after reorganization under new legal...

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