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Create a Listing for Your Business Company

Listing is a page that is fully dedicated to your business and serves as an entry point for potential clients. Business title, logo, text description, and contact data such as email address, phone, website and mobile messengers/social accounts can be displayed.

listing can be free or paid
A text description of your company activities must be presented in a way to pursuade any visitor to buy your products or services.

Via a contact form, a client can immediately send a direct enquiry right from your company listing page to your email address or other available contacts.

The listing page is the key source of leads to your products or services - every listed product/service is displayed on its appropriate section.

All required aspects of a business needs to be completed in the listing form. By completing the form, the following questions are answered:

1) Who and where - what is the business? In what country, region and city?
2) What is the offer? - A brief and to-the-point text description allows to quickly understand the essence of the business.
3) What are its specific products and services? - describe products and/or services in details, with text, photos/videos and links.
4) What other people say about it? - collect textual or video reviews and testimonials on the same page so that people see your raing immediately.

A great way to increase sales is to create products and services section which is listed right below your general description section.
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