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Business List/Directory for Central African Republic Are you a business company in Central African Republic?
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Last updated: 07 Jan 2025

Central African Republic Business Directory & List of Companies

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Capital City and 5 Largest Cities in Central African Republic

  • Bangui is the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic. It is located in the southwestern part of the country, near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Bimbo is a suburb of Bangui and is considered one of its satellite cities. It is located just southwest of the capital.
  • Berbérati is one of the largest cities and serves as the capital of Mambéré-Kadéï Prefecture in the southwestern region of the country.
  • Kaga-Bandoro is a significant city located in the northern part of the Central African Republic.
  • Bambari is another major city in the country and is located in the eastern part of the Central African Republic.
Central African Republic on Map
Central African Republic on map of Africa

Economy of Central African Republic

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): In 2020, the CAR's GDP was approximately .9 billion USD.
  2. GDP per Capita: The GDP per capita in the Central African Republic was estimated to be around USD in 2020. This figure represents the average income per person in the country.
  3. Inflation Rate: In 2020, the inflation rate in the CAR was around 5.4%.
  4. Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate in the Central African Republic is often high and varies, but it was estimated to be around 6.8% in 2020.
  5. Major Industries: The CAR's economy is primarily based on subsistence agriculture, with the majority of the population engaged in farming. Other sectors include mining (diamonds, gold, and uranium), logging, and small-scale manufacturing.
  6. Exports: The CAR exports commodities such as diamonds, timber, cotton, and coffee. Diamonds have historically been the country's most valuable export.
  7. Imports: The country imports a range of goods, including machinery, fuel, food products, and vehicles.
  8. Currency: The currency of the Central African Republic is the Central African CFA franc (XAF), which is pegged to the euro.
  9. Agriculture: Agriculture is a crucial sector in the CAR, employing a large portion of the population and contributing significantly to the country's economy.
  10. Foreign Aid: The Central African Republic receives foreign aid from various countries and international organizations to support its development programs and address challenges such as conflict and humanitarian crises.

Five Largest Companies in Central African Republic

  1. The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked and economically challenged country with limited large corporations, especially on a global scale. Its economy is primarily based on agriculture, subsistence farming, and small-scale local businesses. Due to ongoing conflicts and instability, the development of large corporations has been hindered. As a result, there are no widely recognized or notable multinational corporations headquartered in the CAR.

Five Largest Banks in Central African Republic

  1. Ecobank Centrafrique: Ecobank is a pan-African banking group with a presence in the CAR, offering banking and financial services.
  2. Société Générale de Banques en Centrafrique (SGBA): SGBA is a subsidiary of the French banking group Société Générale, and it operates in the CAR, providing various banking services.
  3. Banque Populaire Maroco Centrafricaine (BPMC): BPMC is a regional bank with operations in the CAR, offering banking services to individuals and businesses.
  4. Banque de l'Habitat de Centrafrique (BHC): BHC is involved in providing housing finance and banking services related to real estate and mortgages.
  5. Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie de la Centrafrique (BICIC): BICIC is another bank operating in the CAR, offering banking and financial products.

Top Company Listings in Central African Republic Business Directory

Logo - Bangui Mall
Bangui Mall

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