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Logo - Mineral Wealth Capital

Mineral Wealth Capital

Masiye business Suite fort street, 9th avenue, Masiye Business Suite, Fort street and 9th Avenue, Bulawayo Province, Zimbabwe
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Business Category

Zimbabwe:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services ~ Zimbabwe:Mining:Mining of Metal Ores ~ Zimbabwe:Professional Services:Accounting ~ Zimbabwe:Professional Services:Business Management and Consulting ~ Zimbabwe:Professional Services:Research and Development

What we do at Mineral Wealth Capital

Mineral wealth is a boutique investment firm that provides unique, innovative, special solutions to companies. Specific focus is in the financial sector, mining/ natural resource sector extending to other industries. The company provides knowledge, expertise, capital, network and more to clients. We assist in accounting, Auditing, Corporate Finance, Management advice, Strategic Advice, Business development, technology software's, secretarial services and more in the field of Commerce. We specialize in the following sectors financial services, advisory consulting, mining and construction. As mineral wealth we pride ourselves in delivering reliable, innovative, unique, special solutions to all our clients.  We aim to be a leading service provider and the number 1 choice for all clients.

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Personal Information for Mineral Wealth Capital

Contact Person: Mr Bhekinkosi Mpofu

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2019
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 15
Spoken Languages: English
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