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Edificio COAPetrol Calle Chile #73 Ciudad Ojeda, Zulia Venezuela, 4014, Ciudad Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela
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Business Category

Venezuela:Energy Use:Gas and Steam ~ Venezuela:Finance and Insurance:Investments

What we do at Scofi

SCOFI Provides offshore drilling and workover services, maritime logistics, Procurement Services, coiled tubing services and air transportation for the energy sector. SCOFI is an international company with the purpose of managing operational activities within the oil industry. These include: investments, loans, mergers, management positions, deployment of assets or taking equity positions in energy-related companies. Each project receives a different level of attention and support, depending on its magnitude, technical complexity and importance. The Director and CEO of SCOFI is Mr. Bryan A. Stanley, who has more than 35 years of experience in the oil industry. Prior to founding SCOFI, Mr. Stanley worked for Western Atlas International, ENSCO Drilling and co-founded COAPetrol in 2004. Mr. Stanley holds a degree in Finance and Economics from Houston Baptist University and has post-graduate studies in Law and a MBA from Duke University. The Director Mr. Luigi Carrassi has almost 40 years of experience in the oil industry, mainly in the area of ​​managing and operating the Premeca shipyard in Venezuela. Mr. Carrassi is a Director and founder of the following companies: Premarca, an offshore logistics company with a fleet of tugboats, supply vessels and crew vessels; Dicol, diving, welding and rescue company; SBS, a maritime security and patrol fleet; SSNP, an offshore support company for the fishing and oil industry; TAM, air transport company supporting the energy and tourism industry; Arrecife, a luxury tourist complex in Los Roques; CEMPEZ, a maritime regulation training and certification center; and COAPetrol, a drilling and rehabilitation services company in Lake Maracaibo. OUR Mission It is providing an exciting work environment where people are motivated to innovate and drive our business ideals across our operations to support our customers.

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Personal Information for Scofi

Contact Person: Mr Bryan Stanley

Business Details

Type of business: CORP
Year founded: 2006
Year started activity: 1989
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
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