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Logo - Dubai Delights

Dubai Delights

Dubai Hills Estate, Villa 216 - Sidra 3 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates, 16028, Dubai, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates
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United Arab Emirates:Business Services:Business Process Management and Modeling ~ United Arab Emirates:Business Services:Legal Advice

What we do at Dubai Delights

Hey there, fellow adventurers and foodies! We’re Shimmena and Jeroen, your Dubai buddies. Three years back, we traded the UK for Dubai with our trusty sidekick, Pixel – who, by the way, is a dog. Our journey has given us a wealth of insight on everything from driving and shopping malls to visas, renting, buying a house, and even owning a pet in Dubai. But here’s the twist – we’re not just about paperwork; we’re passionate about Dubai’s food scene! From street shawarmas to dining under the desert stars, we’re always hunting for tasty adventures. https://dubaidelights.com/

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Personal Information for Dubai Delights

Contact Person: Ms Shemmina

Business Details

Type of business: Dubai Delights
Year founded: 2023
Year started activity: 2023
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 2
Spoken Languages: English & Arabic
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