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Logo - Horizon Biz Consultancy

Horizon Biz Consultancy

301, The Icon Tower, Dubai Silicon Oasis Industrial Area, Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Business Category

United Arab Emirates:Professional Services:Accounting

What we do at Horizon Biz Consultancy

UAE has successfully evolved as global financial and trading hub which motivates businessmen to start business in UAE. UAE is gateway to Middle East, African, European and other countries due to it trade facilitation and logistics abilities. Having a business structure in UAE enhances confidences of prospected clients, foreign investors and all stakeholders. Prior to incorporating company in UAE, it is equally important to understand legal structure of company setup in UAE along with its incorporation and renewal cost. In UAE, there are 3 type of company formation 1. Mainland Company– The mainland company is the preferred kind of business entity to trade anywhere in UAE and GCC. A Limited Liability Company can be formed by a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 50 shareholders whose liability is limited to their shares in the business capital. 2. Freezone Company – Free zones offer a vibrant, dynamic working environment and encourage foreign investment by providing 100 percent company ownership for all nationalities. 100% repatriation of revenue and profits and 100% repatriation of capital and profits makes freezone most accommodating prospect to incorporate company business 3. Offshore company – An offshore company is a business entity that is formulated in a low-tax or no-tax jurisdiction for the purpose of legally minimizing the tax payment and gain confidentiality over one’s financial affairs. The company can be incorporated under any of above head considering the purpose of incorporating company and nature of business.

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Personal Information for Horizon Biz Consultancy

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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