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Logo - Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures

Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures

Moshi Kilimanjaro, 25101, Moshi Town, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
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Business Category

Tanzania:Travel:Accommodation ~ Tanzania:Travel:Destinations and Attractions ~ Tanzania:Travel:Outdoors and Adventure ~ Tanzania:Travel:Tour Guides ~ Tanzania:Travel:Tour Operators

What we do at Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures

Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures is the best African tour company, dedicated to making your travel dreams come true. Specializing in Mount Kilimanjaro tours, we provide the ultimate experience for those seeking to conquer the highest peak in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. Our expert guides and well-organized itineraries ensure a successful and unforgettable summit. In addition to our Kilimanjaro expeditions, we offer a variety of other exciting adventures across Africa. Explore the iconic Tanzania safaris and witness the awe-inspiring Serengeti migration. Relax on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar, immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the Maasai Village, and engage in vibrant African cultural tours. Our services extend beyond Tanzania. We provide thrilling Kenya safaris, captivating tours in South Africa, and adventures in Uganda, Rwanda, and other parts of Africa. Whether you're looking for private tours, group expeditions, or tailor-made itineraries, Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures has the perfect journey for you.

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Personal Information for Kilimanjaro Hiking Adventures

Contact Person: Mr Vedastus Paul

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 2010
Year started activity: 2010
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English, German, French, and Swahili
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