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Logo - LRQA Korea

LRQA Korea

2nd Fl. T Tower, 30, Sowol-ro 2-gil, Jung-gu Seoul, Korea 04637, 04637, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
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Business Category

South Korea:Professional Services:Cyber Security and Data Protection

What we do at LRQA Korea

LRQA is a leading global assurance services organization with unmatched expertise in international certification, brand assurance, food safety, cybersecurity, inspection, and training services. While we at LRQA take pride in our extensive experience and the trust we've earned, our primary focus is on the present. This focus will define the quality of our partnerships with future customers. LRQA is dedicated to our customers' futures, leveraging our long-standing expertise to enhance risk management and responsiveness, helping businesses become safer, more stable, and more sustainable. Our comprehensive range of services includes independent auditing, certification and training, technical advisory services, real-time assurance technology, and data-driven supply chain transformation. LRQA's innovative, all-in-one solutions empower clients to navigate the rapidly evolving risk landscape and shape their own futures.

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Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: LRQA
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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