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Logo - Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

Dakar-Fann, Senegal
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Business Category

Senegal:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ Senegal:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ Senegal:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ Senegal:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

Founded 1918 as Ecole de Médecine, became Institut des hautes Etudes 1950 and 'Université de Dakar by decree 1957. Acquired current title 1987. A State institution.


Actuarial Science, Administration, Administrative Law, African Languages, African Studies, Agriculture, Alternative Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Analytical Chemistry, Anatomy, Anthropology, Applied Chemistry, Applied Linguistics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Aquaculture, Arabic, Archiving, Artificial Intelligence, Arts and Humanities, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Automation and Control Engineering, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biological and Life Sciences, Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Business Administration, Business and Commerce, Cardiology, Cell Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Civil Law, Classical Languages, Commercial Law, Communication Studies, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, Computer Science, Construction Engineering, Criminology, Cultural Studies, Demography and Population, Dentistry, Dermatology, Development Studies, Documentation Techniques, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Econometrics, Economic and Finance Policy, Economics, Education, Educational Administration, Educational Psychology, Educational Sciences, Educational Technology, Educational and Student Counselling, Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Embryology and Reproduction Biology, Energy Engineering, Engineering, English, Entomology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Environmental Studies, Epidemiology, Ethics, Finance, Fiscal Law, Fishery, Foreign Languages Education, Forestry, French, Gastroenterology, Gender Studies, Genetics, Geography (Human), Geological Engineering, Geology, German, Germanic Studies, Gerontology, Government, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Haematology, Health Sciences, Heating and Refrigeration, Hepatology, Heritage Preservation, Histology, History, History of Law, Home Economics, Horticulture, Human Rights, Hydraulic Engineering, Immunology, Industrial Maintenance, Information Management, Information Sciences, Information Technology, Inorganic Chemistry, International Business, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Italian, Law, Leisure Studies, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Marine Biology, Marketing, Mass Communication, Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Mechanics, Media Studies, Medical Technology, Medicine, Meteorology, Microbiology, Midwifery, Modern Languages, Natural Resources, Nephrology, Neurological Therapy, Notary Studies, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Health, Oncology, Operations Research, Organic Chemistry, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatrics, Parasitology, Peace and Disarmament, Persian, Petrology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Physics, Physiology, Plant and Crop Protection, Pneumology, Political Sciences, Portuguese, Prehistory, Private Law, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology, Public Health, Public Law, Radiology, Regional Planning, Romance Languages, Russian, Safety Engineering, Science Education, Secondary Education, Secretarial Studies, Slavic Languages, Social Sciences, Social Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Solid State Physics, Spanish, Sports, Sports Management, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Stomatology, Surgery, Surveying and Mapping, Teacher Training, Technology, Technology Education, Telecommunications Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Town Planning, Toxicology, Transport Management, Tropical Medicine, Urology, Venereology, Water Management, Water Science, Zoology

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Personal Information for Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

Contact Person: 0 Ibrahima Thioub

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: French
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