Sen.Immo can assist you if you're looking to rent, sell or buy a house, a building, an apartment or some land anywhere in Senegal. You will be directly put in contact with knowledgeable and experienced real estate brokers - Contact us for the management of your properties or to rent, sell or buy any real estate in all the communes of Dakar; you will be pleasantly surprised!
Contact Sen.Immo whether you’re looking to rent, buy or sell a house, apartment or land anywhere in Senegal. You’ll be dealing with highly qualified real-estate agents who will help you rent, buy or sell properties in Dakar or other regions of Senegal. Email or call us for details right now.
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Personal Information for Senegal Immobilier
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Business Details
Type of business: n/a
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Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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