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Astrolabs Riyadh 3141 Anas Ibn Malik Rd Al Malqa, Riyadh 13521 Saudi Arabia, 3141, Riyagh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Business Category

Saudi Arabia:Business Services:Recruitment, HR

What we do at Huxley

Unlock the potential of your workforce with Huxley, Saudi Arabia’s top IT recruitment agency boasting an unparalleled legacy in the industry. With 40+ offices across 15 countries, including a significant presence in Saudi Arabia, our firm stands out with unmatched flexibility. Offering tailored solutions and access to valuable local insights, we elevate your recruitment journey from mid-level to C-Suite roles, surpassing every other IT recruitment firm in Saudi Arabia. Huxley's advanced team has redefined Saudi Arabia's markets, showcasing our leadership in digital transformation consultancy. Navigating the unique intricacies of the job market, our teams adeptly fulfill requirements for IT jobs in Saudi Arabia. Leveraging extensive experience from a rich legacy, we position ourselves as trailblazers in transforming the consultancy landscape. Amidst the digital evolution, executive roles in project management and cyber security are thriving. Safeguard your career aspirations by tapping into Huxley's global presence and profound expertise.

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Personal Information for Huxley

Contact Person: Mrs n/a

Business Details

Type of business: professional
Year founded: 1995
Year started activity: yes
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: English
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