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Logo -   Al Jawhara Factory

Al Jawhara Factory

Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Al-Madina Al-Munawara New Industrial Road 58, 42525, Al Medina, Al Medina province, Saudi Arabia
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Business Category

Saudi Arabia:Construction:Costruction Materials

What we do at Al Jawhara Factory

Al-Jawhara factory for volcanic blocks (pozzolan) is light in weight, sound and heat insulator in all its sizes and types, which are only found in Madinah. And land is a cycle of all kinds, sizes and colors, and interlocks of all kinds, sizes and colors work with a clear message and vision to contribute to the construction and development of all volcanic products in Medina in particular. And in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general to serve and meet the requirements of customers and the local market, and we were able, thanks to God, quickly to be aware of the possibilities available to become one of the leading factories in this field.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Al Jawhara Factory

Contact Person: Mr Mohammed

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1998
Year started activity: 1998
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: Arabic
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