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Logo - RideMyCamper


Incubadora A Praça, Rua dos Três Lagares, 6230-421 Fundão Portugal, 6230-421, Portugal, Porto, Portugal
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Business Category

Portugal:Travel:Destinations and Attractions ~ Portugal:Travel:Tour Guides ~ Portugal:Travel:Tour Operators ~ Portugal:Travel:Transportation ~ Portugal:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at RideMyCamper

We are RideMyCamper, a trusted online campervan rental platform based in Portugal. We provide a great place to monetize your campers and motorhomes. We can promote your vehicles to national marketing, attracting more customers to hire your vehicles. Once you entrust your campervan to our community, you’ll be granted legal insurance. So, your motorhomes will be well protected.

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Personal Information for RideMyCamper

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 2002
Year started activity: 2002
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 12
Spoken Languages: Portugese, English
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