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Logo - University of Porto

University of Porto

4099-002, Porto, Portugal
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Business Category

Portugal:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ Portugal:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ Portugal:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ Portugal:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at University of Porto

Founded 1911, as a result of the newly implanted republican system. However, it stems, since the 18th century, from many combined experiences of training in Science, Arts and Medicine, which would lead to the future University. The university has three main sites known as Polos spreading out all over the city of Porto (Polo I – downtown; Polo II Asprela (northern Porto); Polo III Campo Alegre (western bank, river Douro) and a fourth site outside the city, in Vairão. The U.Porto is composed of 14 Organic Units of Education and Research called faculties or institutes. Their mission includes education, research and the provision of services in their specific area of competence. The University of Porto is an important driving force for economic, social, cultural and scientific development in Northern Portugal and in the country as a whole


Accountancy, Administration, Administrative Law, Adult Education, African Studies, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture, Alternative Medicine, American Studies, Ancient Civilizations, Animal Husbandry, Applied Linguistics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Aquaculture, Archaeology, Architecture, Architecture and Planning, Art Education, Art History, Art Management, Arts and Humanities, Astronomy and Space Science, Astrophysics, Automation and Control Engineering, Behavioural Sciences, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biological and Life Sciences, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Botany, Building Technologies, Business Administration, Business and Commerce, Cardiology, Cell Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Civil Law, Classical Languages, Coastal Studies, Commercial Law, Communication Arts, Communication Studies, Computer Engineering, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Computer Science, Constitutional Law, Construction Engineering, Consumer Studies, Contemporary History, Criminal Law, Criminology, Cultural Studies, Data Processing, Dentistry, Design, Dietetics, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Economics, Education, Educational Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Energy Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Management, English, English Studies, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Environmental Studies, Epidemiology, Ethics, Finance, Fine Arts, Fiscal Law, Food Science, Food Technology, Foreign Languages Education, Forensic Medicine and Dentistry, Genetics, Geography, Geological Engineering, Geology, German, Germanic Studies, Gerontology, Graphic Design, Health Administration, Health Education, Health Sciences, Heritage Preservation, Higher Education, History, Human Resources, Humanities and Social Science Education, Hydraulic Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Management, Information Management, Information Sciences, Information Technology, International Business, International Relations, Journalism, Laboratory Techniques, Landscape Architecture, Law, Leadership, Leisure Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Management Systems, Marine Biology, Marine Science and Oceanography, Marketing, Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medicine, Medieval Studies, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Modern History, Modern Languages, Molecular Biology, Multimedia, Museum Studies, Nanotechnology, Native Language Education, Natural Resources, Natural Sciences, Neurology, Neurosciences, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Health, Oenology, Oncology, Oral Pathology, Orthodontics, Painting and Drawing, Pathology, Periodontics, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physical Engineering, Physical Therapy, Physics, Physiology, Polymer and Plastics Technology, Portuguese, Primary Education, Production Engineering, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Public Health, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Romance Languages, Safety Engineering, Science Education, Sculpture, Secondary Education, Service Trades, Social Sciences, Social Studies, Social and Preventive Medicine, Sociology, Software Engineering, Soil Science, Special Education, Sports, Sports Management, Sports Medicine, Surgery, Surveying and Mapping, Taxation, Teacher Training, Telecommunications Engineering, Telecommunications Services, Thermal Engineering, Tourism, Town Planning, Toxicology, Traditional Eastern Medicine, Translation and Interpretation, Transport Economics, Transport Engineering, Transport Management, Transport and Communications, Urban Studies, Veterinary Science, Visual Arts, Viticulture, Water Management, Water Science, Zoology

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Personal Information for University of Porto

Contact Person: 0 António Sousa Pereira

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Portuguese
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