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Logo - Universidade de Lisboa

Universidade de Lisboa

1649-004, Lisboa, Portugal
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Business Category

Portugal:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ Portugal:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ Portugal:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ Portugal:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at Universidade de Lisboa

Founded July 2013 as the result of a merger process between the former Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) and the University of Lisbon (UL). ULisboa fully embodied the recognized scientific and cultural traditions of both institutions. As a privileged space of science and knowledge, ULisboa is nowadays one of the major institutions of higher education in Europe and one of the leading universities in the country. The University is deeply involved with Portuguese society and with the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. With the first Portuguese Republic, in 1911, ULisboa was born and, later, in 1930, UTL was founded. They both resulted from more than seven centuries of history, as the original university was established in Lisbon in 1288 and was the first in Portugal


Accountancy, Actuarial Science, Adult Education, Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, African Studies, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture, American Studies, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Archaeology, Architectural Restoration, Architecture, Architecture and Planning, Art Criticism, Art Education, Art History, Arts and Humanities, Asian Studies, Astronomy and Space Science, Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biological and Life Sciences, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedicine, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Business Administration, Business Computing, Business Education, Cardiology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Classical Languages, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Communication Arts, Communication Studies, Comparative Literature, Comparative Politics, Computer Education, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cooking and Catering, Cultural Studies, Curriculum, Dance, Data Processing, Demography and Population, Dental Hygiene, Dental Technology, Dentistry, Design, Development Studies, Documentation Techniques, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Econometrics, Economic and Finance Policy, Economics, Education, Educational Administration, Educational Psychology, Educational Sciences, Educational Testing and Evaluation, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Energy Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Management, English Studies, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Environmental Studies, Epidemiology, Ergotherapy, Ethics, European Studies, European Union Law, Family Studies, Fashion Design, Finance, Fine Arts, Food Science, Food Technology, Foreign Languages Education, Forestry, Furniture Design, Gender Studies, Genetics, Geography, Geography (Human), Geological Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Gerontology, Glass Art, Graphic Design, Health Administration, Health Sciences, Heritage Preservation, History, History of Law, History of Religion, History of Societies, Human Resources, Humanities and Social Science Education, Immunology, Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Management, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Information Management, Information Sciences, Information Technology, Interior Design, International Economics, International Relations, Laboratory Techniques, Labour and Industrial Relations, Landscape Architecture, Latin American Studies, Law, Leadership, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Marine Engineering, Marine Science and Oceanography, Marketing, Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Media Studies, Medicine, Medieval Studies, Meteorology, Microbiology, Military Science, Mining Engineering, Modern Languages, Molecular Biology, Multimedia, Museum Studies, Nanotechnology, Native Language Education, Natural Resources, Natural Sciences, Nautical Science, Naval Architecture, Neurosciences, Nuclear Engineering, Nursing, Nutrition, Oenology, Oncology, Operations Research, Painting and Drawing, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physical Engineering, Physics, Political Sciences, Portuguese, Prehistory, Primary Education, Printing and Printmaking, Psychology, Public Administration, Publishing and Book Trade, Regional Planning, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Restoration of Works of Art, Romance Languages, Safety Engineering, Science Education, Sculpture, Secondary Education, Social Policy, Social Problems, Social Psychology, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sociology, Soil Management, Sports, Sports Management, Statistics, Surveying and Mapping, Taxation, Teacher Training, Technology Education, Telecommunications Engineering, Textile Design, Theatre, Tourism, Town Planning, Toxicology, Translation and Interpretation, Transport Engineering, Tropical Agriculture, Urban Studies, Veterinary Science, Visual Arts, Viticulture

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Personal Information for Universidade de Lisboa

Contact Person: 0 António Manuel da Cruz Serra

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Portuguese
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