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PointB Services Engineering Technology

5015 Building number 1244 office, 304 Al Jami Al Akbar St, Muscat, Oman, 100, Muscat, Muscat Governorate, Oman
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Business Info

Business Category

Oman:Construction:Architecture and Design ~ Oman:Industrial Goods and Services:Fuels, Consumable Supplies ~ Oman:Industrial Goods and Services:Packaging Materials ~ Oman:Science and Technology:Infrastructure, Facitilites

What we do at PointB Services Engineering Technology

Founded in 2018 under Hussain Anwar Al Lawati's leadership, Point B is all about grabbing opportunities, working together, and caring for the environment. Since the beginning, Point B has grown quickly because we're really dedicated to coming up with new and clever solutions for our clients. We have different parts of our company, like helping with environmental stuff, designing things, building stuff, and making sure our equipment is just right. These parts show how we're always trying to be better and make our clients happy. Our team is made up of young Omanis who work well together, making our workplace friendly and helpful. Together, we're making our mission happen and making the future brighter for everyone involved.

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PointB Services Engineering Technology

Personal Information for PointB Services Engineering Technology

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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