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Logo - Himalayan Pink Rock Salt

Himalayan Pink Rock Salt

112, Fatimya Market Gubra, Muscat 211, Oman, Muscat Governorate, Oman
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Business Category

Oman:Trade:International ~ Oman:Trade:Wholesale Trade

What we do at Himalayan Pink Rock Salt

We offer rock salt tiles and room products designed for aging rooms, where meat can be naturally dry-aged to perfection without any additives. These products create an attractive and self-contained microenvironment that beautifully showcases the aging process of meat, particularly steak. Certainly, here's a list of Himalayan rock salt products by name: Himalayan Salt Lamp Himalayan Salt Cooking Block Himalayan Salt Inhaler Himalayan Salt Candle Holders Himalayan Bath Salts Himalayan Salt Scrubs Himalayan Salt Tiles Himalayan Salt Shot Glasses Himalayan Salt Soaps Himalayan Salt Massage Stones Edible Himalayan Pink Salt Himalayan Salt Air Purifiers Himalayan Salt Foot Detox Blocks Himalayan Salt Tealight Holders Himalayan Salt Inhalation Diffusers

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Personal Information for Himalayan Pink Rock Salt

Contact Person: Mr Noor Ali

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Propritorship
Year founded: 2011
Year started activity: 2011
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 1
Spoken Languages: Arabic ,English
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