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Logo - Surplus Generated

Surplus Generated

Montenegro, Podgorica, City Kvart, Podgorica, Podgorica Municipality, Montenegro
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Business Category

Montenegro:Business Services:Advertising and Marketing ~ Montenegro:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development

What we do at Surplus Generated

Our team knows how to optimize business processes and attract new customers. The Surplus Generated offers a full range of digital marketing services to help improve the performance of each client's business. We work with all customer acquisition channels: Google Ads, Shopping Ads, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Gmail, TikTok, Twitter, Telegram Ads, and SEO - We reduce the cost of the application by up to 60% due to end-to-end analytics - Guaranteed lower cost per click - Setting up uninterrupted lead generation.

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Personal Information for Surplus Generated

Contact Person: Mr Arkadiy Anishchenko

Business Details

Type of business: Surplus Generated D.O.O.
Year founded: 2022
Year started activity: 2022
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 5
Spoken Languages: 3
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