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Rafting Camp Modra Rijeka

Scepan Polje bb, 81435, Plužine, Plužine Municipality, Montenegro
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Montenegro:Entertainment:Sportive Events ~ Montenegro:Travel:Outdoors and Adventure

What we do at Rafting Camp Modra Rijeka

Rafting Camp Modra Rijeka is one of the best rafting camps in Montenegro, offering rafting tours on the river Tara, accommodation in Cabins on the river Piva, as well jeep safari, biking, hiking and canyoning. Rafting Camp Modra rijeka offers you a fabulous Rafting Tara river adventure, with licensed guides and professional equipment. Camp's accommodation in houses and bungalows built of completely natural materials, mostly of wood, and allow you to completely abandon nature and complete enjoyment. The rooms are double, triple, four-bed, five-bed and six-bed rooms with bathrooms, and the terraces overlooking the river offer a possibility of unforgettable relaxation and feelings of harmony. Contact: Rafting Camp Modra Rijeka Address: Scepan Polje bb, 81435 Pluzine, Montenegro Phone: +38267017419 Email: reservationrafting@gmail.com Website: https://monteriver.com/

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Contact Person: Rafting Camp Modra Rijeka

Business Details

Type of business: doo
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English, Serbian
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