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Logo - Studio52 Timelapse

Studio52 Timelapse

Building 26, Al-Shuhada St, Block 7 Sharq, Kuwait, 15300, sharq, Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait
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Kuwait:Construction:Building Construction ~ Kuwait:Professional Services:Advertising

What we do at Studio52 Timelapse

Kuwait’s Trusted, Timelapse Video and Construction Monitoring Services, Studio52 provide a construction timelapse monitoring system that- - High quality live streaming video - HD timelapse 4K / 6K Quality - 100% Solar Powered 100% Remote View - Multi-camera integration - The virtual reality of construction projects, critical infrastructure, and running construction projects. Looking to capture your construction project through beautiful, engaging cinematography? Timelapse content is an effective tool to showcase a condensed overview of your project, visually communicate key milestones or simply monitor progress live from the comfort of your office or home. Offering long-term and short-term timelapse solutions, we use high-resolution, weather-proof cameras giving your video the ‘wow factor’ it deserves. Studio 52 Advantage- Studio 52 provides end-to-end Timelapse Video, Drone filming, Videography and Photography services as a part of Construction Monitoring solutions across the Kingdom. We empower you to be able to monitor progress of your construction site project from the comfort of your office or home. Company has a well oiled and dynamic operations team that ensures swift and trouble-free operations of your cameras with 99.9% uptime. For the latest on timelapse videos from Studio 52, please visit https://studio52.tv/video/timelapse

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Personal Information for Studio52 Timelapse

Contact Person: Moiz Saeed

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1977
Year started activity: 1977
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: English, Arabic
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