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Kuwait, Sharq, Block 4, Ahmed Al Jaber St, Dasman Complex (B3), Third Floor, 34433, Sharq, Asimah, Kuwait
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Business Category

Kuwait:Professional Services:Video and Photography ~ Kuwait:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development ~ Kuwait:Professional Services:Web Hosting ~ Kuwait:Telecommunications:Sound Recordings ~ Kuwait:Trade:E-commerce

What we do at Tapelized

We Covert all Types of data Including videos, Audio, & Photos, and accept different types of International formats of videocassettes like SECAM, NTSC & PAL. We Can convert (VHS,VHS-C, Betamax, Hi8, 8mm, Video8, Digital 8, Mini DV, Micro MV, Audio Cassette, Micro Cassette & Any Images Size) and save it on Cloud, Flash Memory, External hard drive. Products: 1- Convert Videotape to digital 2- Convert Audio Cassettes to digital 3- Convert Photos albums to digital

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Tapelized

Contact Person: Mr Prasad M

Business Details

Type of business: LLW
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: 2015
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 25
Spoken Languages: Arabic, English
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