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Logo - House Cleaning Service

House Cleaning Service

Al Farwaniyah, Kuwait 83000, Kuwait, Kuwait, Al Farwaniyah Governorate, Kuwait
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Business Category

Kuwait:Business Services:Office Management and Administration

What we do at House Cleaning Service

House Cleaning Service in Kuwait provides professional and reliable cleaning services for homes and businesses in Kuwait. With top-notch customer service and experienced cleaning professionals, we ensure a clean and hygienic environment for our customers. Whether you need regular cleaning, deep cleaning, or move-in/move-out cleaning, House Cleaning Service in Kuwait is the perfect solution for all your cleaning needs. Our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction sets them apart from the competition. Experience the difference of a clean and organized space with House Cleaning Service in Kuwait.

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Personal Information for House Cleaning Service

Contact Person: Mr Cleaning Service Kwt

Business Details

Type of business: Service Provider
Year founded: 2018
Year started activity: 2018
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: Engliah
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