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Logo - Life Service

Life Service

Empire Business Towers 4, Apartment number 5, 3rd Floor, 44001, Erbil, Erbil Governorate, Iraq
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Business Category

Iraq:Professional Services:Maintenance and Improvement

What we do at Life Service

In today’s world, it is difficult to find time for household chores. Whether it is to do household chores or to fix household appliances, due to our busy schedule time is not available for these works. At this time everyone thinks that someone should get help for the service of the house. So Life Service is your destination to get the best home services where you can hire specialists for all of your domestic duties. It has all of the necessary features, if you are having problems with your cell phone contact our professional who will repair it in a matter of minutes. Similarly, if you have a leak in your home hire a plumber who will fix it quickly at an affordable price. We offer you a variety of services including carpentry, house cleaning, furniture making and repair, beauty centers, cell phone repair, tailors, photographers, architectural and civil engineers, tutors, in-home child care and party organization. Get the best professional home services to manage all household issues in Iraqi Kurdistan. Life Service is one of the fastest-growing services and is expected to generate a revolution in the on-demand service. This is a business where we provide a service exactly when the customer demands it. We allow our user to resolve their everyday household problems by providing quick and effective solutions. Life Service is the easiest and fastest way to get all home services in Kurdistan. Here you will get professional home services like construction, renovation, and repair. If you are looking for qualified electricians, technicians, teachers and engineers. Life Service offers a wide range of home services in Iraqi Kurdistan. For more information, visit at: https://www.lifeservice.online/.

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Contact Person: Life Service

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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