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Logo - Roatan Buyers Agent

Roatan Buyers Agent

Calabash Bight Yacht Club, Just east of Oak Ridge Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras, 34101 , ROATAN , Bay Islands Department, Honduras
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Honduras:Real Estate:Property Management ~ Honduras:Real Estate:Rent and Leasing

What we do at Roatan Buyers Agent

Roatan’s Buyer’s Agent, is an expert in real estate on the island of Roatan, works as a Buyer’s Agent for clients searching for their perfect. As a Buyer's Agent I represent your best interests as a purchaser. • Saving: A buyer's agent will always negotiate the best price and terms possible for you, the buyer. The buyer's agent will also disclose to you any known information about the seller concerning an urgency to sell a property. • Time: Most agents have a large inventory of listings which they are obliged to show first. The buyer's agent will sit down with you and determine what type of home best suits your needs, then search the computer (database) and listing books to locate only the homes that meet your criteria. • Confidentiality: Any facts known about you that could hurt your negotiating position will be kept confidential. On the other hand, when working with a sub-agent, all facts about you (including how much you can spend) must, by law, be divulged to the seller. • Representation: From negotiations through closing, a buyer's agent always looks out for the buyer's best interest. • Loyalty: With a true buyer's agent, you will always know your agent's loyalty is to you. • Peace of mind: Selecting a buyer's agent means any known facts which could adversely affect the value of a property will be disclosed to the purchaser.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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