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Logo - Ayamediainc


Atasomanso-Santasi, Off Ahodwo Rd., 00233, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana
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Business Info
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Business Category

Ghana:Events:Conferences, Summits, Assemblies ~ Ghana:Events:Seminars, Workshops ~ Ghana:Mass Media:Social Media, Messengers ~ Ghana:Professional Services:Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO ~ Ghana:Professional Services:Research and Development

What we do at Ayamediainc

We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to address the diverse needs of our clients. Our expertise spans across areas of media relations & communication, including: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Email marketing, Event Management, Research and Analysis, Digital PR, and Content creation to Social Media Management. Our Digital PR strategies are tailored to boost online visibility, increase brand awareness, and drive targeted traffic to your website.

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Personal Information for Ayamediainc

Contact Person: Mr Ohene Phoxman

Business Details

Type of business: Media & Communication
Year founded: 2019
Year started activity: 2019
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 11
Spoken Languages: Asante Twi, English
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