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Logo - Poshclean Ghana

Poshclean Ghana

Nungua Accra Coco Beach Road, 00233, Accra, Accra, Ghana
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Ghana:Environment:Air Conditioning, Cleaning ~ Ghana:Environment:Pollution Control ~ Ghana:Environment:Sewage Collection and Treatment ~ Ghana:Environment:Waste Disposal

What we do at Poshclean Ghana

Posh clean Ghana is a professional cleaning company based in Accra, Ghana. We provide quality services to residential and commercial customers at affordable prices. Call us today for more information In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s often hard to keep up. There are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Even if our homes are tidy and organized, it can feel like there’s never time to catch our breath. The little things, like vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom or kitchen sink become a chore that needs to be scheduled. If you find yourself feeling stressed out and constantly busy with errands, obligations, and chores, then it might be time to hire a cleaner. A professional cleaner can ease your stress by handling all those little chores for you so you don’t have to. The services of a cleaner can range from once a week to once a month. Here are 4 reasons why you should hire a cleaner in Accra: You’ll have more time on your hands Having a cleaner can give you back your free time. You might be thinking, “I’m already spending money on a cleaner, how will it give me more time?” Well, it’s all about how you look at it. Hiring a cleaner is not all about just paying them to come and clean, but it’s also about all the things you no longer have to do. Let’s say you have a cleaner coming once a week. That one visit alone takes care of all your vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and most of your deep cleaning. That alone requires a lot of hours in a week. Now let’s say you have another person coming every two weeks to clean your windows. That still requires you to plan around when you have time for that. So now you have to clean your windows and then find time to do other things on your to-do list. A cleaner can do things you don’t feel comfortable doing There may be things in your home that you just hate cleaning. You might not like mopping and vacuuming, or perhaps you are allergic to dust. Or you might not like washing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom sink. Whatever your reason, a cleaner can help by doing those chores for you. Let’s say you have a cleaner coming once a month. That cleaner can take care of all your deep cleaning. You don’t have to worry about mopping or vacuuming or dusting or scrubbing the kitchen sink or washing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom sink. In fact, you don’t even have to be in the home when the cleaner is there. You can take care of other things, like shopping for groceries, paying bills, going to the doctor, or even just relaxing.

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Personal Information for Poshclean Ghana

Contact Person: Mrs Poshclean Ghana

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2009
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 30
Spoken Languages: English
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