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Logo - Geo Boiler

Geo Boiler

3a Bogdan Khmelnitski St, Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia
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Business Category

Georgia:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment ~ Georgia:Industrial Goods and Services:Metallurgical Industry

What we do at Geo Boiler

Geo Boiler is the manufacturer of industrial steam boilers and pressurised vessels. Our offices are located in Georgia (Tbilisi) and Turkey (Kocaeli). We are an engineering company with the capability of making design and manufacturing of process equipments and steel construction. Our expertise is on pressurised vessels and boilerclaves. Some of our products can be listed as; boilers, autoclaves, pressurised vessels, mixers, reactors, stainless steel and steel storage tanks. The sectors that we serve; general industry, beverage, food, laundry, textile, dairy, foundries and more... Simply visit us at https://geoboiler.ge/ Thanks.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Geo Boiler

Contact Person: Mr Ahmet Bey

Business Details

Type of business: Ltd
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 12
Spoken Languages: English, Turkish
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