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Logo - Health Wealth Safe

Health Wealth Safe

2005 Prince Avenue, Athens, GA, 30606, Athens, United states, Georgia
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Business Category

Georgia:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at Health Wealth Safe

Health Wealth Safe stands as an innovative healthcare technology company dedicated to revolutionizing the management of individual health and financial well-being through remote patient monitoring. Our company offers a comprehensive array of solutions that seamlessly blend advanced remote patient monitoring services with a user-friendly app. Our goal is to empower individuals to lead healthier lives while safeguarding their financial resources. Central to our mission are our cutting-edge remote patient monitoring devices, meticulously crafted to effortlessly integrate into individuals' daily routines. The Health Wealth Safe app acts as the hub for individuals to conveniently monitor and oversee their health data. Through our remote patient monitoring solutions, we strive to elevate individuals' quality of life and contribute to a more efficient, sustainable healthcare system, where wellness and financial security go hand in hand.

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Personal Information for Health Wealth Safe

Contact Person: Mr Subodh Agrawal, MD

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2018
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English
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