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Logo - Industrial Trade

Industrial Trade

Pärnu mnt 141, 11314 Tallinn, 11314, Tallinn, Tartu County, Estonia
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Business Category

Estonia:Industrial Goods and Services:Computers and Mobiles ~ Estonia:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment ~ Estonia:Industrial Goods and Services:Medicines and Substances

What we do at Industrial Trade

Supply of equipment and technological lines. Technological lines are a set of production equipment units of an industrial enterprise, forming a single technological chain of production process of any product. Solutions for most industries. The greatest need in the development of the section of technological lines are experienced by newly designed enterprises. In this matter, the main goal of our company is to offer the customer the most effective solutions, allowing to focus on the features of the used technological process, budget and development plans of the enterprise. Request the solution catalog We are approached by representatives of various companies that are planning to modernize their production. Efficient design of production technology allows: - reduce the cost of organizing the production process; - reduce the number of personnel involved; - increase the growth rate of labor productivity, etc.

Website and pages

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Personal Information for Industrial Trade

Contact Person: Mr Oliver Villing

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2010
Year started activity: 2010
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 7
Spoken Languages: English
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