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Logo - Excursions to Comandancia de la Plata

Excursions to Comandancia de la Plata

Carretera Central de Cuba 478, Bayamo , Cuba
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Cuba:Travel:Outdoors and Adventure ~ Cuba:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at Excursions to Comandancia de la Plata

Anley Rosales Benitez was born on December 1st, 1982. Raised in the country side, made him love the nature from the very beggining of his life. He moved to Bayamo, capital of the Granma province. He began his studies of the English language at the age of 10. In 2001, he went to Manzanillo to study and become an English teacher. In 2002 the educational system sent all students back to their home towns, studying and working there. Like almost ever Cuban, he had a part time job as a bici-taxi driver for 2 years, until he went to Guardalavaca tourism school. After a year there, he went back to Bayamo and created his own company, Bayamo Travel Agent. He organizes tours to Cuban rebel camp of Fidel Castro, at Comandancia de la Plata headquarters and the Sierra Maestra mountains, among the best experiences led by him and his team. Working as a driver tour guide and organizing tours for over 10 years, have made him one of the best all-around-person in the Eastern Cuba. Off the beaten path of Cuba expert.

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