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Logo - Dr. Vape

Dr. Vape

San Pedro: 200 meters North of the Mas X Menos (In Front of Calasanz High School)), 10101, San Pedro, San José Province, Costa Rica
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Business Category

Costa Rica:Industrial Goods and Services:Tobacco, Cigarettes, Vapes ~ Costa Rica:Trade:Retail Trade

What we do at Dr. Vape

Dr. Vape is your ultimate source for top-notch vaping products in Costa Rica. We specialize in offering a diverse selection of premium e-liquids, cutting-edge vaping devices, and essential accessories, all designed to elevate your vaping journey. At Dr. Vape, we are committed to your satisfaction and safety, carefully selecting products from reputable brands renowned for their excellence and innovation. Whether you’re an experienced vaper or just beginning, our expert team is here to help you find the ideal products tailored to your needs. More than just a retail space, Dr. Vape is a vibrant community hub where vaping enthusiasts can explore, learn, and connect. Join us in choosing a healthier alternative to traditional smoking and enhance your vaping experience today!

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Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: 2016
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 5
Spoken Languages: English/ Spanish
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